Which e-currencies do you accept?
We accept cryptocurrencies Bitcoin,Litecoin,Dogecoin,BINANCE-BEP20,Tron, Tether-USDT.TRC20.
How long does the contract last?
All mining contracts for 1 month. You can buy unlimited amount of mining contracts.All earning from contracts will be collected to main balance.
What is the minimum investments amount?
Minimum investment 10 USD (1000GH/s)
What is the minimum withdrawal amount?
Minimum withdrawal amount is 10 USDT.
How to withdraw funds to the wallet?
Insert your USDT BEP20 OR USDT TRC20 wallet address. Click on Withdraw button and type amount of coins you would like to withdraw. You will see your transaction in Withdrawal section with status.
Withdraw is instantly?
Yes.All withdrawals are processed from instantly up to 5 minutes.
Do you charge a withdrawal fee?
No, we don't charge any fees.
How does the Referral Program work?
Invite your friends to KELEBUM.APP and get 10% referral earning! You will get 10% referral earning from each purchased cloud mining contracts of KELEBUM.APP. You can simple increase Your income and give Your friends opportunity to earn money. Your friends don't lose 10%, only You get 10%!
Do I have to have an active investment to participate in your Referral Program?
No, we do not require presence of any active deposits to participate in our Referral Program. You can invite new members and receive affiliate commissions event if you did not make any investments yet.
How can I promote my referral link?
There are a lot of ways promoting your referral link. You can provide your it to your friends during personal communication, emails, messengers chats, etc. You can also create a banner or text advertising campaigns. You can post your links in different kinds of investment-related chats, groups and forums. You can use any other king of promotions.
Can I withdraw referrer bonus without investment?
You can withdraw without investment your referral earnings.
How many accounts can I register?
You can register no more then 2 account.
When will the first daily earnings will be added to my account?
The first daily earnings will be added within the following 5 minute after you've invested,next earnings per 24 hours.
When will the affiliate commission be added to my account balance?
Affiliate commission will be added to your balance immediately after your referral invests
Can i withdraw my earnings to any crypto wallet?
NO. We accept only USDT BEP20 and USDT TRC20 wallet for withdrawal.